Installation / Usage

After clicking the “Download CSS” button on any theme’s page, your browser likely loads the .css file instead of downloading it. You can save the .css file locally using Ctrl + S.

Marp for VS Code Extension

  1. Open Settings in VSCode (Ctrl + ,)
  2. Search for “Marp: Themes” or “markdown.marp.themes”
  3. After downloading the theme, add its local path/to/the/file.css in the settings. Alternatively, add a trustworthy remote path to the CSS file
  4. Enable the theme in the front-matter of the Markdown document, i.e., write the following at the very beginning of the Markdown document:
marp: true
theme: theme_name

For additional settings (such as size or paginate), follow the official documentation.

Marp CLI

  1. Put the .css theme file in the directory of your Markdown document
  2. Use the --theme parameter during the export and specify the path to the .css file
    • e.g.:
marp --theme ./assets/theme_name.css -o document.pdf